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We have been working with and for old age persons in Cameroon since 1996

Welcome to the Regional Centre for the Welfare of Aging Persons in Cameroon (RECEWAPEC)

Rights advocacy & campaign

We press for the recognition and realization of older people’s rights throughout Cameroon and beyond while carrying out community awareness campaigns with government officials, rural decentralized councils, community based organizations on the implementation of the political declarations and Madrid International plan of action on ageing adopted during U.N. Second World Assembly on ageing in Madrid-Spain 2002, of which RECEWAPEC was a participant.

Economic empowerment & care

We are building capacity of old age persons in income generating activities with livelihood projects for an active ageing life by training and offering startup capital to tools for free while also carrying out  outreach programs in attendance to elderly and young persons, screening their eyes, distributing medicated lenses at no cost, consulting and administering first aid treatment and referring serious cases to expert health practitioners or hospitals necessary with cost paid.

Social protection & networking

We help individuals and families, especially the poor and vulnerable to cope with crises and shocks, find jobs, improve productivity, invest in the health and education of their children, and protect the aging population while organising joint cultural events between the old and youthful for social interactions and also building partnerships with government agencies, rural councils, villages, and institutions that are involved in promoting and supporting the well being of old age people.


We’ve been working with and for old age people throughout Cameroon since 1996 as RECEHWEDEV and from 2001 as RECEWAPEC, helping aged persons, especially the poor and vulnerable to cope with crises and shocks, get favorable laws enacted to improve on their well being, invest in their productivity and health to living an active aging life.